Logbook – day 16 by ITZIAR
Buenas a todos desde el Oceano Pacifico
Estos dìas el viento y las olas siguen sin darnos una pequeña tregua. Las noches complicadas y las condiciones de la mar van dando paso al cansancio, lesiones, etc. In my case, the recovery of the left side of the body is more difficult, the pain is continuous and every day it gets worse; however, I intend to calm down well before each recovery (during the night it is more difficult) and to rest afterwards, after the sessions of treatment with Elody. Pero todo ello no puede con nosotras y seguimos luchando dìa a dìa, relevo a relevo y remada a remada para superar este gran desafìo.
Por otro lado, cuando sale el sol, a pesar de tener las mismas condiciones, nos da un pequeño respiro. Nos permite disfrutar del dìa a bordo, surfear algunas olas y, en mi caso, al final del primer relevo de la mañana tirarme al agua y flotar al lado de la tabla por unos segundos… lo cual me da energìa para poder continuar.
Tambièn dar las gracias al fantàstico equipo que tenemos junto a nosotras, nos cuidan, estàn atentos a cualquier cosa que necesitemos y siempre tienen una palabra de animo en la boca para nosotras.
Por ùltimo, el ocèano me ha vuelto a regalar una sopresa para acabar el dìa… una gran picadura de medusa en mi pierna, al caerme un segundo al agua despuès de surfear un pequeño runner…al final seràn mis amigas.
Saludos a todos desde Noumene.
Itzi – waterwomen
Logbook translated into French :
Hello to all from the Pacific Ocean.
These days, the wind and the waves still don’t give us a break. Complicated nights and sea conditions give way to fatigue, injuries, etc. In my case, this makes the recovery of my left shoulder more difficult, the pain is continuous and every day it gets worse; but I try to warm up well before each relay (at night it’s more difficult) and stretch afterwards, in addition to the physiotherapy sessions with Elody. But all this is not enough for us and we continue to fight day after day, relay after relay and paddle after paddle to overcome this great challenge.
On the other hand, when the sun makes its appearance, despite the same conditions, it gives us a little respite. It allows us to enjoy the day on board, to surf some waves and, in my case, at the end of the first morning relay, to jump in the water and float next to the board for a few seconds… which gives me the energy to continue.
I would also like to thank the fantastic team we have with us, they take care of us, are attentive to everything we need and always have an encouraging word in their mouth for us.
Finally, the ocean gave me another surprise to end the day… a big jellyfish sting on my leg, after a second in the water after surfing a small runner… they will be my friends in the end.
Greetings to all from Noumenè.
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1 Km = 100 euros *
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For example: by giving 100* euros my donation is divided as follows
*60 € dedicated to the Super Optimist program (sick children) and educational programs of prevention of health sports in schools + 40 € dedicated to the sports, medical and scientific expedition.